A screening is a brief assessment of your child's speech and language which generally lasts about 20 minutes. This screening allows the therapist to get an initial impression of your child’s abilities and to make further recommendations. A screening is a great option if you are uncertain if speech and language therapy is necessary for your child.
An evaluation is a more thorough assessment of your child's speech and language. During an evaluation the therapist will gain a better and more complete understanding of your child's communication development.
An initial speech-language evaluation has several purposes:
To determine if your child’s skills are age-appropriate.
To decide if our clinic can meet your child’s needs.
To make recommendations about necessary services.
To establish goals for therapy.
The length of each evaluation varies depending on the individual needs of each child, their level and ease of participation, and how many areas are being assessed. Typically, an evaluation will last between 45 and 90 minutes of direct clinical time. Evaluations may consist of any or all of the following: parent interview, observation of child during play or other activity, language sample taken during informal conversation with child, informal assessment tools, or standardized assessments.
If your child has had an evaluation completed within the last 6 months and you have a copy of the report, a full evaluation may not be necessary.